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If you are passionate about horses, becoming a sponsor of the Michigan Equine Partnership is a great way to show your support.

Through an energized, broad based, grassroots coalition representing all facets of the equine industry, the Michigan Equine Partnership (MEP) is committed to increasing the public awareness  and support, influencing public policy to strengthen the industry, and heightening recognition of the economic opportunities and value of the Michigan equine industry.


A leader, partner, and the voice of the Michigan equine industry.


Provide leadership through commitment, empowerment and accountability. Build partnerships with respect, trust, cooperation and respond to the needs of the equine industry with information, assessment, innovation, communication and coordination of services.


A proud non-profit organization of advocacy through integrity, collaboration, and member driven cooperative spirit

About the Michigan Equine Partnership

The Michigan Equine Partnership is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.

Sponsors of the Michigan Equine Partnership


USDA Animal Care Provides Update on Its Horse Protection Program

For more Info click on the link below.

Horse Protection Act